The principles

Diversity is our strength

We are a design studio where disciplines intertwine, generating results that address design challenges through creativity without boundaries or self-imposed limits. We love to solve problems.

Specialisation is not the goal

Here, it is not specialisation that is rewarded, but the capacity for constant learning. We thrive on the interaction between different fields to enrich our responses to design problems.

The services

Let’s grow together!

We focus on creativity and the conceptualisation of ideas to carry out projects that help you grow. We offer a wide range of services to bring the greatest possible value to your project.

With backgrounds in architecture, graphic design, communication, UI/UX and web development, we complement each other offering more complete answers to each project. Together, we will form a stronger and more effective team.

How can we help you?

Brand consultancy, brand strategy, naming, corporate identity, creative direction, art direction, strategic communication, graphic design, web and digital product design, web development, packaging design, editorial design.

The profiles


This model is often used in education and professional development. The vertical part of the “T” represents the depth of knowledge in a specific area, while the horizontal part represents the breadth of general knowledge in various areas.

This model describes a set of skills and knowledge that combines deep specialisation in a specific area with broad, general knowledge in many other areas.

“M” profiles

Extending this concept, an “M-shaped mind” could suggest multiple areas of specialisation (several vertical lines) connected by a broad base of general knowledge (the horizontal line).

This model would be characteristic of individuals who not only have in-depth knowledge in several specific areas, but also a broad understanding that allows them to integrate and apply this knowledge in an interrelated way.

The people

In 2020 estudiolimbo was born from the need of its founder, Julián Ruiz, to explore the space between architecture and design. In 2024, the project evolves into LIMMBO, with two emes.

To understand that his mind was structured as an “M” profile, Julián had to meet Roberto Tuñón, one of those connections that cannot be avoided and that makes us, 2 years later, take this step.

Julián Ruiz

A creative and restless MMind, a designer, architect and professional “breakfast-lover”. If he’s not working he’s probably catching a plane to his next destination.

Would love to work with: a winery, a jewellery brand, art galleries, a museum? Shall we talk about it?

Roberto Tuñón

Another creative MMind, and also technical, designer with front-end knowledge and professional coffee maker. If he’s not working he’s probably at sea.

Would love to work with: sustainable clothing brands, web3 projects, a new AI…let’s talk?